Аутор:Viljem Šekspir
uredi- Uzaludni ljubavni trud (Love's Labour's Lost; 1590)
- Dva viteza iz Verone (The Two Gentlmen of Verona; 1591)
- Zabune (The Comedy of Errors; 1593—1594)
- San letnje noći (A Midsummer Night's Dream; 1594)
- Mletački trgovac (The Merchant of Venice; 1595)
- Ukroćena goropad (The Taming of the Shrew; 1596)
- Mnogo vike ni oko čega (Much Ado About Nothing; 1599)
- Vesele žene vindsorske (The Merry Wives of Windsor; 1599)
- Bogojavljenska noć (Twelfth Night; 1599—1600)
- Kako vam drago (As You Like It; 1600)
- Sve je dobro što se dobro svrši (All's Well That Ends Well; 1602—1604)
- Ravnom merom (Measure for measure; 1604)
- Perikle (1608)
- Zimska priča (The Winter's Tale; 1610)
- Bura (The Tempest; 1611)
uredi- Troil i Kresida (Troilus and Cressida; 1601—1602)
- Timon Atinjanin (The Life of Timon of Athens) – 1607.
- Antonije i Kleopatra (Antony and Cleopatra; 1607)
- Koriolan (Coriolanus; 1608)
- Cimbelin (Cymbeline; 1610)
- Hamlet (The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) – 1599.
- Julije Cezar (The Tragedy of Julius Caesar) – 1599.
- Kralj Lir (The Tragedy of King Lear) – 1605.
- Makbet (Macbeth; 1606)
- Otelo (The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice) – 1604.
- Romeo i Julija (Romeo and Juliet; 1593)
- Tit Andronik (Titus Andronicus; 1594) – osporeno autorstvo
- Dva plemenita rođaka (The Two Noble Kinsmen) – 1613. – 1614. – Koautor: Džon Flečer
Istorijske drame
uredi- Kralj Džon (The Life and Death of King John) – 1596.
- Ričard II (The Tragedy of King Richard the Second) – 1597.
- Ričard III (The Tragedy of Richard the Third) – 1593.
- Henri IV (Prvi deo) (The First Part of King Henry the Fourth) – 1597.
- Henri IV (Drugi deo) (The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth – 1597.
- Henri V (The Life of Henry the Fifth) – 1599.
- Henri VI (Prvi deo) (The First Part of King Henry the Sixth) – 1592.
- Henri VI (Drugi deo) (The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth) – 1593.
- Henri VI (Treći deo) (The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth) – 1595.
- Henri VIII (The Life of King Henry the Eighth) – 1613. – osporeno autorstvo
uredi- Ljubavnikov prigovor (A Lover's Complaint) – 1609. – osporeno autorstvo
- Strastveni hodočasnik (The Passionate Pilgrim) – 1599
- Feniks i kornjača (The Phoenix and the Turtle) – 1601.
- Otmica Lukrecije (The Rape of Lucrece) – 1594.
- Soneti (The Shakespeare's Sonnets) – 1609.
- Venera i Adon (Venus and Adonis) – 1593.