Probudite se! Mladi momci Engleske

Bez naslova  (1914) 
Pisac: Džordž Orvel
Napisana i potpisana s Orvelovim pravim imenom „Erik Bler“ kada je imao 11 godina. Objavljena je u novinama Henley Standard 2. oktobra 1914. godine.

OH! dajte mi snagu lava,
Mudrost Rejnarda Lisice
A onda ću baciti trupe na Nemce
I dati im najjače udarce.

Oh! pomislite na šaku gospodara rata,
Koja udara na Englesku danas:
I pomislite na živote naših vojnika
koje ih neustrašivo bacaju.

Probudite se! O vi mladi momci Engleske,
Jer ako, kada ste potrebni vašoj zemlji,
ako se ne prijavite u hiljadama,
Vi zaista jeste kukavice.

Na engleskom jeziku


OH! give me the strength of the Lion,
The wisdom of Reynard the Fox
And then I’ll hurl troops at the Germans
And give them the hardest of knocks.

Oh! think of the War Lord’s mailed fist,
That is striking at England today:
And think of the lives that our soldiers
Are fearlessly throwing away.

Awake! Oh you young men of England,
For if, when your Country’s in need,
You do not enlist by the thousand,
You truly are cowards indeed.
